Battle of Britain - A/H

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Battle of Britain: July 10th – October 31st, 1940

Once the Germans defeated France they set their sites on Great Britain. This picture shows what a German bombardier (person whose job was to decide when and where to drop the bombs) would have seen as they were deciding where to drop their bombs.

The Germans had planes less than 25 miles from England at bases in captured France. They had bases in other areas of Europe they had captured, including Denmark and Norway.  They were close enough to hit many targets in Great Britain .

Great Britain (United Kingdom) is on the left. The red arrows show the paths the Germans used when attacking. The small red shape are places where the Germans had their planes.

The British leader, Winston Churchill, gave a speech to encourage his people where he said:
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First the Germans tried to hurt Great Britain by bombing places called docks where ships brought supplies for the people and the army.

Movie clip showing the attacks

They thought that if they did this it would stop those supplies from coming in, and Great Britain would be weak when the Germans  invaded with soldiers on foot.  It caused a lot of damage, but did not hurt the British enough to make them weak.

British docks (where ships come in and out) that have been hot by German bombs

Next the Germans tried to go after the British Fighter Plane Bases and Radar Bases (Radar was a tool that let the British see the Germans coming WAY before they got there.). They did this because  those were the weapons that were allowing the British to keep stopping the German planes from having total success. The planes would have fights in the air called “dog fights.” (Clip showing a dogfight from a movie) This clip shows an actual dogfight, with a German pilot jumping out of his plan after getting it shot up.)

British pilots running to their planes to go shoot down Germans
Eventually they would engage in “Terror Bombing” against the people living in London. That part was called “The Blitz.”

This is a scene from a movie that shows what people on the ground during "The Blitz" might have experienced

This is another kind of funny end to a “dog fight.”

In the end the British did not give up, and the Germans stopped their attacks by air on October 31st, 1940, and never attacked by land

Winner??? - Great Britain!


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